About Us

Since our inception, we have remained committed to customer satisfaction. With over 100 years of combined experience, our extensive industry knowledge and dedication to technological advancements ensures that we deliver products of the highest standards.

We take pride in representing world-class manufacturers renowned for their innovation and reliability. We work closely with our manufacturers to ensure that every product meets stringent quality standards and exceeds your expectations.

Our team of professionals is here to assist you every step of the way. We understand the importance of your projects and strive to provide personalized attention and timely solutions to meet your unique requirements.

Whether you are a small startup or a multinational corporation, we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your PCB needs efficiently and effectively with our TQRDC business model.

Our Mission:

To provide World Class Service Solutions to our Customers’ evolving PCB Portfolios, while striving to become their preferred and trusted PCB supply chain partner.

Our TQRDC Business Model

  • Our technology capabilities support from 2 to 20+ layers, standard to advanced laminates, special technologies such as HDI, and more.

  • We ensure our portfolio of manufacturing partners meets the necessary certifications for your designs.

  • Our international team ensures efficient responsiveness.

  • Our team handles all aspects of delivery. We work as your customs clearing agents.

  • We leverage our purchasing power to provide effective costs for your PCB project.